Daily Archives: May 14, 2014

2 posts

Embrace Transformation


“I have been working with Dr. Van Putten-Laguerre since August of 2017. Among several issues my cholesterol was very high, in just little over 5 months my numbers have come down almost 40 points. With a holistic approach to healthy living she is amazing. I will continue this way of life. You know working with her that God has touched Alana to help us get ready for His soon coming.”  TD, Maryland

” I was impressed by Dr. Van Putten-Laguerre’s thorough analysis of the results of my lab work and her patience in explaining to me the reasons for my chronic fatigue. After following Dr. Van Putten-Laguerre’s regime of nutrition, nutritional supplements, and exercise, I experienced dramatic health improvement;  I lost some of my excess weight, I began sleeping better, and my energy returned. Elated by my progress, I  recommended Dr. Van Putten-Laguerre’s services to my husband when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure. ” JL, Florida

“My primary care physician gave me a prognosis of being on Lisinopril for the rest of my life…I contacted Dr. Alana, as I call her, and described all that was going on in my life. She was very understanding and listened to all that I had to say. Dr. Alana was so thorough in talking about my mind and body; she should also double as a therapist! After the first talk with her she turned my mindset around completely. She reminded me of the things that truly matters in my life and returned my focus on those things. She was not judgmental in the least and told me what I needed to hear, firmly without talking down to me.  Dr. Alana allowed me to make my own decisions as to how I was going to deal with root causes of my depression, but emphasized that those causes needed to be addressed if I were to truly heal…We started my treatment in February and I was off the blood pressure supplements by Fall of that year.  I had dropped 52 lbs. naturally and was feeling and looking great. I have been able to sustain my lifestyle with her easy to follow recommendations to date. I truly feel that Dr. Alana saved my life!   KJ, New York

Alana has helped me successfully quit smoking…Her recommendations have helped me control my anxiety symptoms tremendously!”  RM, Virgin Islands

The assessment that Alana Laguerre did on me was great and accurate.  The products are great and help to keep everything in your body aligned and healthy. It was the best I had felt in a long time. I was able to get off Nexium for acid reflux, lost weight and my hormones became balanced.” KL, Maryland

“I needed surgery…I trusted my primary care doctor and Dr. Alana to help me make a decision on what I should do. When I contacted Dr. Alana, it gave me a feeling of calmness. The regimen you sent me had me up and moving 3 hours after my knee replacement. As I continued to take it, I healed so well that I was off my pain meds in 2 weeks. My physical therapists were amazed at my progress. I told them all that I was touched by an angel, Dr. Alana!… AJ, New York

Alana is truly an asset for people seeking assistance to either diagnose or resolve any health challenges. I am blessed immeasurably by how Alana skillfully uses Biblical instruction to remind me of a Believer’s promise for abundant living. Alana’s knowledge of naturopathic medicine, and her ability to consistently share it with others, is a priceless gift. If interested in applying what God has already supplied in principle, to enhance your physical and spiritual wellbeing, you will most certainly be successful when working together with Alana. Alana’s encouragement and guidance have definitely aided me in improving my quality of life. I have now implemented some nutritional changes to my diet, and this has helped me to achieve fitness goals per Alana’s suggestion, after her fully comprehensive evaluation. Subsequently, my sacred time with Alana has been both enjoyable and productive! AJ, Maryland